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Halloween Craft Ideas From Recycled Dryer Vent Hose.

There are many halloween craft ideas and the best one is to make a pumpkin from recycled items. This one is made from recycled dryer vent hose.

You can make them with orange and green paint plus a recycled dryer vent hose and large twigs. Some kids crafts need to be simple and this one is very easy for them to make.

Kids love to make these and then they can make a group of them to set out for Halloween.

They are very inexpensive to make and if you don't have any old hose you can get some at the hardware store for not very much money.

For Each Pumpkin You Will Need:

  • Dryer vent hose
  • Orange & green spray paint
  • Hot glue gun
  • Wire cutters for wire in dryer vent
  • Ribbon or leaves and twigs
1. With hose extended, cut a 20? to 25? length from the hose. Match open ends, form hose into a circle and glue to secure.

2. Spray paint the pumpkin orange. Then lightly spray top of pumpkin and stem green.

3. For the stem cut a 6? twig for the center of the pumpkin. Apply glue to one end of stem and insert it in the opening in the center of the pumpkin.

4. Use a ribbon to tie around the stem. I also like to glue some leaves onto the stem.

That is all there is to it! You now have your own pumpkin patch with the pumpkins that you made.

If you have any questions or halloween craft ideas that you would like to see here, please contact me and I will add it to my site.

Craft Ideas

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