wine cork coster or trivet
crafters love crafts

wine cork coster or trivet

by Russ Mercer
(Bismarck, MO, USA)

Cork Trivet

Cork Trivet

These were not really old, used corks. At Simi winery back in the early 1970's someone in the office ordered the wrong size cork and thousands arrived at the winery. Andre Tchelistcheff the wine maker who made California Cabernet Sauvignon what it is today told them to get Russell to figure out what to do with the corks. They had the Simi logo on them so they could not be sold to other wineries. I came up with this idea using fishing line and a drill to make coasters. I also made the coasters by standing the corks on end and gluing them together. This type of design works well for new corks or those throw-aways out of the bottles. It makes for a neat coaster that is very durable and can be used to protect tables from very warm dishes including fondue burners and pots. This particular coster is made with drilled corks and soldered copper wire. This is the way I prefer to construct these trivets. Heavy fishing line can also be used tied and hot glued. It was the very first that I made.

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