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Use Your Terra Cotta Pots To Make Flower Pot People

Flower Pot People Did you know that you can turn clay pots into flower pot people? They are so adorable and easy to make. All you need is your imagination and a few supplies.

You can make them with any color hair and paint them any color. You could also make the dragon and the butterfly and have a set.

You can use any size terra cotta pots to make them with. The one pictured here was made with a 2" pot. You could make them all different sizes with different colored hair and make a family out of them.

They are real cute in a small childs room setting on a shelf. You could make their clothes all different colors. You can start a collection of flower pot people from all different countires.

Supplies You Need For These Clay Pot Crafts

  • clay pot (2" or 3")
  • 1 ½ inch wood ball with a flat end
  • hair (available at craft stores)
  • fabric of your choice
  • decorations of your choice

How To Make Your Flower Pot People

Paint the clay pot any color you would like. I used a solid color on this one and then put jewels around the bottom. You can pint the rim of the pot on the bottom a different color then the rest of the pot. Set aside and let dry.

Paint the face on the wood ball and then let it dry. When it is dry attach the hair. There are many different kinds of hair that you can get. To attach the hair use hot glue or tacky glue.

Glue the hat on and add your decorations to the hat. You can use ribbon, dried flowers, small buttons, beads or anything you would like. Attach the head to the clay pot and finish your decorations. You can cut designs out of fabric to glue on the body.

Kids love making these clay pot people and you would be surprised at how unique they can make them. They are great gifts to give to that special person.

Just take your time and your creativity will show through your own designs. Have fun making your own clay pot people!!

If you have found a unique way to use clay pots or have any tips and want to share it please contact me and I will add it here. Also, if you have any questions I will try and answer them or find someone who can.

Craft Ideas

I'd love to hear from you. If you have any questions or arts and craft tips that you would like to share please contact me and I will share them with everyone else.

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