crafters love crafts

Helpful Tips Link Exchange

Helpful tips are always great and these sites have a lot of useful information. Some of the tips are new and some of them have been around for many years.

Everyone needs a little help now and then so check out these sites.

If you have a site that has tips for people and would like to see it included here please let me know. I will not link to any site that I find offensive.

Please visit the sites that I have listed here. Check back often, as I will be adding more as I find them.

If you know of a site that you think should be listed here please contact me and I will check it out.

The Hip Homemaker

Find tips and advice regarding homemaking techniques that are both modern and traditional! Learn the skills you need to make your house a home.

If you are interested in exchanging links and having your site posted here please contact me.

Craft Ideas

I'd love to hear from you. If you have any questions or arts and craft tips that you would like to share please contact me and I will share them with everyone else.

Blick Art Materials-You can find all kinds of art and craft supplies here that you can't find anywhere else.

Purchase scrapbooking supplies from the Superstore! Discount Art & Craft Supplies--Up to 75% off! offers a huge selection of discount art supplies and craft supplies

Create More, Spend Less at We offer over 60,000 brand name craft, sewing, quilting, scrapbooking, candlemaking supplies and more.

Free Shipping at Artbeads

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