crafters love crafts

Joanns Is Where You Can Find All Of Your Craft Supplies

Joanns is the premier online destination for arts & crafts, original project ideas, unique products and the opportunity for creative people to share their interests.

I found their web site many years ago and have never been sorry. They have craft supplies that you can't find at their regular stores. Their prices are very reasonable and they always have something on sale.

Check out the categories below and have some fun while you are doing it. You won't be disappointed.

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Amazing new products!

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Home Decor!

Scrapbooking & Card Making!

Jewelry & Beading supplies on sale!

FREE projects!



If you have any questions or craft ideas please contact me and I will add it to my site.

Craft Ideas

I'd love to hear from you. If you have any questions or arts and craft tips that you would like to share please contact me and I will share them with everyone else.

Would you like to show the world your favorite craft? It's free and easy. Please click here to make your submission.

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