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Needlepoint Crafts Can Be A Very Soothing Activity

Needlepoint crafts is a form of art using thread on canvas to form a design. The design can be very simple or very intricut.

Your finished products can be made into pillows or upholstery. You can also display them on your wall, framed or unframed. They make great Christmas ornaments. You can make very special gifts because people know that you spent a lot of time and effort on their gift. You can make that special friend a purse that she will value for life.

Needlepoint is a very soothing activity. I can spend hours on end working with it and completely forget the time. You can create very attractive objects for your own use. In early American culture, young women commonly created “samplers” which commonly contained a blessing on their homes. This right of passage demonstrated not only the girl’s proficiency in stitching, but her literacy.

This craft is just not for women. Remember one of the great football players, “Rosey” Grier, was an avid needlepointer. Many men love to needlepoint because it gives them a release from everyday tension.

Most popular mesh sizes for canvas include 10, 12, 14, 18, and 24. The most popular size is 14 count canvas. You can get a lot of different colored canvas to work with. You need to decide what your design would look best on. The main color to use is white or cream.

Threads that are used most for stitching are wool, silk or cotton. When you first start out with needlepoint it is best to use your ordinary cotton embrodery thread. It is the most popular thread of choice and the most readly available.

Needlepoint continues to evolve as people use new techniques, threads and add applique. The line between it and counted cross stitch is becoming blurred and new techniques and materials from other forms of embroidery to needlepoint.

There are many kits available today. They include everything to complete your project. You can also buy books at your favorite craft store that have many designs in them. Then all you have to do is buy your thread.

Which ever way you go I know that you will have many hours of fun and relaxation.

If you have any questions or needlepoint crafts ideas please contact me and I will add it to my site.

Craft Ideas

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