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Wine Glass Charms Help Keep Track Of Your Glass

When you talk about wine cork crafts you can’t forget wine Glass charms. They help you keep track of whose glass is whose. They are very easy to make and look so cute on your glass.

wine glass charm
All you need to make the charms are some wire and beads. This is a great place to use up some of your old costume jewelry that you haven’t had the heart to throw away. The charms on your old bracelets and necklaces that you never wear anymore can now be put to a good use.

Cut a small piece of wire (around 5 inches). I used gold wire on this one but you can get many different colored wires. Make a loop on one end. Add 2 or 3 beads and then a charm and then some more beads. Make a hook on the end that will go through the loop on the other end. It depends on the size of your beads on how many you want to put on.

You will need to make a bunch of these wine glass charms for when people come over to visit. Make them all different with different charms and different color beads. You could make them with bead letters and spell the person’s name out. That really makes them personalized.

You can also make them to fit party themes. For baby showers you could use any kind of baby charms. How about a brides shower! For each person attending you could spell there name with letter beads. Christmas and New Years Eve are a great time to have the charms. There are many different charms that you can get to fit just about any occasion.

These wine glass chimes also make great gifts to take to your hostess at a party.

Craft Ideas

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